When you need bail bonds, you can count on Alpha Bonding.
Bail bonds are also called surety bonds and typically require the payment of approximately 10% of the total bail amount. A bail bonds agency usually requires each client to provide something as collateral for the bail bond, such as a deed to a house or car, cash, jewelry, or another valuable item.
So professional, very patient, and awesome staff.
“So professional, very patient, and awesome staff. Stayed late with me to help with my situation. Thank you for the supportive customer service.”
★★★★★ Rosa
Contact us to learn more about our bail bonds and the services we offer.
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Contact us to learn more about our bail bonds and the services we offer.
When you need bail bonds in Fulton County, Georgia, you can count on our team at Alpha Bonding. We’ve been serving the area since 1992, and we’re open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to serve you. Our service is fast and dependable, and we take pride in treating each of our customers with respect. Contact us today to learn more about our available bail bonds.
FAQs About Bail Bonds
If you or a loved one is arrested, you might wonder what steps you can take to get back home as quickly as possible. In most cases, that requires paying the court-set bail amount. Unfortunately, that amount might be too high for some people to pay, which is where our team at Alpha Bonding comes in. We can provide you with relief through the bail bond process, helping you get back home in no time at all.
What are bail bonds?
A bail bond is a sum of money that enables someone to be freed from custody prior to their scheduled court appearance. It is an assurance that the person will show up in court when needed.
How are bail bonds obtained?
What do bail bonds normally cost?
Is it possible to get out of having to pay bail bonds?
At Alpha Bonding, we offer bail bonds in Fulton County, Alpharetta, Atlanta, Chattahoochee Hills, College Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Johns Creek, Milton, Mountain Park, Palmetto, Roswell, Sandy Springs, South Fulton, and Union City, Georgia.